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Stephanie Chambers
Gum and Galah

34 x 44cm

While Galahs might be Australia’s most abundant parrot, their numbers are declining in cities throughout Australia. A study by Griffith University published in Biological Conservation in 2022 found Galahs in decline across Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth. Despite this alarming trend, flocks of Galahs call the GreenWay home. Against the backdrop of relentless urbanization, the GreenWay serves as the Inner West’s most important ecological corridor, with trees old enough for established hollows to nest in. It’s also a beacon of hope, a signal flare for the rest of Australia’s cities on the importance of conserving real green spaces. I live and work very close to the GreenWay and this painting was inspired by frequent walks and runs there observing Galahs eating, flying and thriving. My painting intermixes the iconic Galah amongst a backdrop of dense gum leaves showing the crucial interdependence of our native birds with native trees and plants.

Gum and Galah

SKU: Stephanie Chambers
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