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Mandy Lamkin

Cool Burn


42 x 52cm


Nature is abundant with paradoxical forces and fire is among its most obvious, being both devastating and restorative. To many, however, flames have only destructive intention, with a beneficial side to them an unsuspected consideration.

To find healing balance in the earth’s ecological systems, we should look to the wisdom of the interconnected cycles of ecological systems and observe their elements at work. For insight into how to do this, Indigenous Australians can generously help via their fire-based environmental control methods to remediate what is intrinsic to all our wellbeing - the planet - including for those who would willingly abuse and damage it.

This artwork, “Cool Burn”, is a statement on the wisdom within fire to both destroy and restore environments. There is cleansing in its smoke to make way for the green shoots of awareness to act on the appeals from within nature’s pervasive language.

Cool Burn

SKU: Mandy Lamkin
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