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2021 COVID-19 Safety Plan

Updated: Oct 21, 2021

GreenWay Art Prize is committed to protecting the community and preventing the spread of COVID-19. To keep Prize open and in your calendar for 2021, we've come up with three options in a detailed COVID Safety Plan.

Beyond the usual safety measures, one's we've all become so familiar with, QR codes, masks and daily cleaning...

Here’s what we've been thinking:

  1. Lockdown lifted: Install the exhibition as per usual in our new 2021 venue : socially distanced opening with limited numbers and the option to live stream - version of 2020. Exhibition viewing by appointment for the remainder of the exhibition period – safety protocols in place.

  2. Lockdown continued: Install the exhibition as per usual in our new 2021 venue : no opening, offer 360 virtual tours and develop content in the space, with not more than 2 persons at any one time - artist talks, insights from the judges and invited others– safety protocols in place for those involved. Produce a film and share with artists.

  3. Lockdown increases: Exhibition is not installed and the entire show, photos supplied by finalists, is projected onto the new 2021 venue –Mungo Scott Flour Mill at Summer Hill over the exhibition period. In 2022, the GreenWay Art Prize will be transitioning into alignment with EDGE GreenWay - April/May and so the exhibition, finalists as selected in 2021, will be mounted in real-life to celebrate this move.

In essence, outcomes of options 1 & 3 are the same - two exhibition opportunities for selected finalists, one digital and one physical.

If a physical exhibition is held in November 2021, in April for EDGE GreenWay we will run a projection event of works by the same finalists at Mungo Scott. The GreenWay Art Prize, as an award, will miss a year as we will focus on running v2 of 'The Great Art Outdoors' and establishing the Prize as a not for profit organisation, in partnership with the Inner West Council and Art Est.

So there you have it! We've spilled some of our beans and keep a few back. It is after all a movable feast and all will be revealed in time.

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